Filter and other quick actions

Below are some icons that can be beneficial:


  • (1) & (2) - These are the types of views namely List view and Explorer view.

  • (3) - Quick Filters: Quick filter options are available at the top left corner of the Signoff header. You can easily filter scenarios such as: • My Sign-offs • Approved by me • Rejected by me • Pending actions for me • My Overdue Sign-offs • All Sign-offs • All overdue Sign-offs

  • (4) - Export as XLSX: You can export all Signoff items and their meta information in the form of a spreadsheet.

  • (5) - Filter by: You can filter the Signoff items by Signoff group, Signoff status, Locked Signoffs, My Actions, Created by, Overdue Status, Stakeholder, and Pending with, as shown below.

  • 15-signoff-item-navigating-icons

  • (6) - Group by: You can group signoffs by Signoff Group, Status, Due Date, and Tags. The following image displays how the signoff items are categorized by due dates.
