Search Asset

To search an asset from HANAPEDIA, follow the below menitoned steps:

Step 1:

Search your asset by selecting the title/content (1) based on your need.

Step 2:

Type the keywords, in search bar (2) related to the information, as specific as possible to get more accurate results.

Step 3:

The Top Searches (3) will help you to discover the new topics and assets which are currently popular.

HANAPEDIA Search Engine Page

Step 4:

After typing query in search bar, click on the search icon which will navigate you to the result rage which consists of list of assets based on the relevancy score as displayed in below image.


  1. The search bar (1) will be visible with the searched query.
  2. You can preview the the count of total no: of assets (2) which are relevant to your search.
  3. The Recent Searches (3) will help you to discover the recent trends of assets.