Assess your SAP business Process before moving to S/4HANA

Digital Maps Jan 10, 2024

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Without a proper understanding of the landscape and  the knowledge of  how each of the processes is getting affected,  it is literally impossible to build a proper digital transformation plan.  That is why KTern.AI performs the Business Process Assessment.

KTern.AI Digital Maps connects to an ECC system and assess the entire landscape, thus enabling you to better understand the implications of a transition from existing ERP system to SAP S/4HANA.

Digital Maps has five sub-parts:

  1. Landscape Assessment
  2. Business Process Assessment
  3. Custom Objects Assessment
  4. Business Transformation Assessment
  5. Timeline Assessment

Together, the results from the above assessments serve as a Master Data to transition to the New World.

What does Business Process Assessment do?

Business process assessment in Digital Maps connects to the existing SAP ECC system and drills down the existing business scenario of the organization. KTern.AI Business process assessment provides the following insights which will be an essential part of the S/4HANA transformation.

  • Process profiler
  • Enterprise structure mining
  • Complexity analysis
  • Simplification item check
  • Business function analysis
  • Training recommendations

Process Profiler

KTern.AI performs a materiality analysis of all the Functional Modules or the Lines of Business (LoBs) present in the system and finds out how they have been configured in the existing system. This will help you to find out the heavily used modules and the rarely used modules in the existing Landscape as KTern.AI gives a percentage relevancy based on the usage. Not only that, KTern.AI identifies the key stakeholders / users associated with each module and the sub-processes present under each Line of Business.

Materiality Analysis
Process Profiling
Process Profiling

Enterprise Structure Mining

In most SAP S/4HANA assessments, as the first step, organizations aim to find out the enterprise structure in SAP and drill down the hierarchy of each functional module. They find out answers to questions like - What is the type of the system? What is the orientation of the SAP system? How and who uses the system? What is the most effectively used process? How many company codes are there in the system? What are the most effectively used sales organizations / purchase organizations? And much more.

KTern.AI's Enterprise Structure Mining – Sales documents feature drills down the various organizational units. It drills down from company codes, sales organizations, distribution channels, plants and all the way up to the sales documents generated. In this way, KTern.AI provides a clear hierarchy and evidently maps the organizational structure. Similarly, KTern.AI also performs the same for purchase documents, billing and order documents as well.

Complexity Analysis

KTern.AI also gives an analysis in terms of the Complexity of the system. It automatically finds out if the parameters like the New G/L, Special Purpose Ledger, Material Ledger, Multi-Currency model, Business Partners etc are active in the connected landscape.

Simplification Item Check

KTern's Simplification Item check calculates the total number of Simplification Items in a system. It then classifies them into impacted and non-impacted Simplification Items. KTern.AI also provides the status of each Simplification Item with SAP Note references. It also specifies why a particular Simplification Item is relevant or not relevant to your business.

Business Function Analysis

KTern.AI automates the process of analyzing business functions. After connecting the system, KTern.AI runs the business functions analytics check and automatically classifies the installed business functions into active and inactive business functions. KTern.AI also classifies the business functions into the following types:

  1. Enterprise Extensions: These are the type of business functions which activate industry-independent and industry-specific applications and business processes.
  2. Enterprise Business Functions: They can activate special features in SAP S/4HANA. They contain both industry-specific and industry-independent enterprise business functions.
  3. Industry Business Functions: They contain functions specific to a particular industry and are part of the industry business function sets.

If one of your critical add-ons is not compatible with S/4HANA, then your entire business could be at risk. In such cases, you will have to wait for SAP’s roadmap to make that particular add-on compatible with S/4HANA. Only then, you can plan your transition from ECC to S/4HANA.

Training Recommendations

KTern.AI analyzes and documents the training requirements for the key users and end-users. KTern.AI automatically provides the training scenarios for each module based on the impact of change in S/4HANA. One of the most important features of KTern’s training scenario recommendation is that it identifies the key stakeholders of each business process. They are ranked based on their usage of each scenario. That is, a consultant who uses a particular process/scenario extensively receives Rank 1. Hence, based on this analysis, you can design and execute a training plan in the subsequent phases of the project.

Learn more about Digital Maps:

Business process assessment is just a part of what KTern.AI Digital Maps does. From assessing the landscape to estimating the timeline and efforts, Digital Maps provides data that can help your organization accelerate the S/4HANA migration process.

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Get started with us to know more about KTern.AI. Contact us if you have any queries!


Rahul Jacob

Helping organizations plan and govern their Digital Transformations better.