How to create a ticket?

To create a ticket in KTern.AI follow the mentioned steps below:

  1. In the Project Launchpad page, click on the “profile icon” present in the top right corner.


This will open a side panel.

  1. In the side panel, Click on “Ticket Center”.


You will be redirected to the “Ticket Center” page.

  1. Use the “Ticket Center” page to track the status of every ticket you create with preferable filters and columns.


To create a ticket click on “Add ticket”. You will be redirected to “Add new ticket” page.


  1. Fill in all the necessary fields like:
    a. Title
    b. Priority
    c. Classification
    d. Project name


  1. To additionally add information regarding the ticket, use the editor below.


Use the features of editor to add an image, link or code.

  1. Once done, click on “Add Ticket”.


You can find the created ticket in “Ticket Center” page.