
  1. Test Plan: A Test Plan can be defined as a document that defines the scope, objective, and approach to test the software application. The Test Plan is a term and a deliverable. The Test Plan will be designed based on the requirements. While assigning work to the test engineers, due to some reasons one of the testers gets replaced by another one. Here, the Test Plan gets updated.
  1. Test Scenario: It is a way to define all the possible ways to test an application. It is a single statement to cover all possible ways to test an application.

  2. Test Case: It is a step by step by procedure that is used to test an application. Test case template includes Test Suit ID, Test Data, Test procedure, Actual results, Expected results etc.

  3. Test Script: It is a set of instructions to test an application. It is a set of instructions to test an application automatically.

  4. Test Condition: Test Condition is the specification that a tester must follow for testing an Application.

  1. Test Suite: The Test Suite is a container that has a set of tests which help the testers in executing and reporting the test execution status. It can take any of the three states i.e. Active, in progress and completed.
  1. Defect: A Defect in Software Testing is a variation or deviation of the software application from end user’s requirements or original business requirements. A software defect is an error in coding which causes incorrect or unexpected results from a software program which does not meet actual requirements. Testers might come across such defects while executing the test cases.